Frequently Asked Questions

Does “mediation” really work?
The short answer is yes. If the parties are willing to negotiate, listen and be heard, mediation is a great place to resolve conflicts.
Do you mediate family issues?
Yes. As a qualified Family Mediator, Debbie will meet with all participating family members and help you reach a satisfactory outcome, which works for you and the children. Mediation allows you to apply your morals, values and ideas of fairness to create the outcome that works for your family. 
Do you mediate special education matters?
Yes.  Debbie served 12 years on her local school board and became versed in IEPs, FERPA, FAPE, LRE and all the issues surrounding special education. Often times with all the legal jargon the student gets lost, Debbie will keep the focus on the student. 
My siblings and I are fighting over the long-term
plans for our elderly parents – can you help us?
Yes. Debbie is on the court panel for elder mediations and a certified Eldercaring Coordinator (less than 20 Eldercaring Coordinators in California / none in Texas). Eldercaring Coordination is a court referred program where there are multiple petitions for conservatorship, multiple motions filed with the court or there are a large number of parties in the case. Often times the Elder participates in the solutions. I often hold these sessions in the home of the Elder so that they are in a comfortable and in a familiar environment. 
How long have you been mediating?
Debbie became a California certified mediator in 1999. In 2022 she was credentialed as an Credentialed Advanced Mediator in Texas. From 1997-2014 she mediated (and litigated) family law cases. In 2014, her office became solely a neutral practice and expanded from just family to other high conflict areas, which include elder law, special education, HOA and others. Debbie currently mediates court civil harassment cases weekly, and is on the court elder mediation panel, court eldercaring coordination panel and works as a California Temporary Judge often being assigned settlement conferences.
Will you travel?
Yes.  Mediation works when the parties feel comfortable and safe. Debbie has found over the years that the environment matters, so she often goes to places such as attorneys offices, dining rooms and living rooms. Now, most mediations are via Zoom so it doesn’t matter where you are located.