“The courts of this country should not be the places where resolution of disputes begins.
They should be the places where the disputes end after alternative methods
of resolving disputes have been considered and tried.



 Save Money
 Save Time and Stress
Remain in Control
Customizable Solutions
Retain Privacy and Confidentiality
Avoid Future Legal Battles
Help Provide Closure

Resolve Conflicts

Rebuild Relationships



Mediation is the use of a third party that has the knowledge and experience to provide the communication tools frequently lost in a conflict. In Mediation, you help decide the outcome of your case, more efficiently and at a lower cost than litigation. While respecting all viewpoints Debbie will help you reach a settlement that is fair and confidential. Often times, if you talk with a Mediator before filing a lawsuit you can resolve the issues without the need of Court intervention.

Divorce, child custody, child support lawsuits are adversarial. That is hard on families when children are involved.

When there is conflict between parents it affects the children. Reduce the stress and cost of litigation by choosing mediation.  In mediation, parties have a chance to speak and be heard, then work through issues to create a solution that works for all.

If there are no minor children, mediation still works by reducing the cost of litigation by creating a custom separation plan dividing assets, debts and other issues that may arise.

Mediation puts the resolution in the parties hands, not Judge or Jury.

Elder Mediation helps siblings resolve conflicts to be able to work as a team to care for aging parents. Mediation can help all family members get on the “same page.” Sometimes having a neutral person can help guide adult children, spouses, and other family members sort out issues relating to the aging Elder.

Work through issues like:

  • Disagreements about money
  • Different opinions on housing, medical care and long-term plans
  • Who take responsibility and who does not do their “fair share.

Sometimes each person believes they have the only “right” solution. Mediation can work through all those issues and any others that may present themselves.

Families can be part of a school district for 13 years or more, it makes it difficult on the children when there is animosity there.

Mediation is not an adversarial process and both parents and the school come together to create a plan that works best for the student.

Keep the focus on your child, rather than the legal process.